Our history has shaped us into who we are. Dance Generation Dance Studios rebranded in 2011, originally commencing business in 1992 in our Adelaide location and shortly after expanding into Canberra.
Our experience and ability to adjust to changing times has allowed us to achieve many things for many people and we are very proud of the fact that we have students today that started with us right back at the beginning.
Our emphasis is on our team and we have become a leader in customer service through ensuring we are the best instructors we can be EVERY lesson and giving you the opportunity to let us know EVERY lesson whether you are happy with the service, if not it is free of charge.
Your dancing and helping you to become the dancer you want to be, as quickly as possible, is our focus. This is achieved by integrating the best techniques, the best styling, a variety of steps to suit a huge range of music and occasions all mixed with the vital ingredient of as much fun as you can have.
Dancing is and will stay relevant as long as it can adapt to the changing trends in music, something that it continues to do. Its longevity comes from the fact that it is not just exercise but a combination of exercise, socialising and creativity.
We can guarantee that we will be reliable, we strive to be just that little bit better each day and we operate in the present.